In Psalm 95 we read “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation. Let us come before Him with music and song. For the Lord is The Great God – The Great King above all gods.” It is our joy to serve God in this ministry of leading His people in corporate worship.
Through the week there are a number of groups who meet in homes around the city – for fellowship, Bible study, and mutual support. Contact the office for details
Connect with us via Instagram, texting and email - see one of the leaders!
On a regular basis the Youth plan a Saturday event. We do things like sports competitions, swimming, beach day, great race, progressive dinner, capture the flag, movie night and much more. These times are a way to relax and unwind with other Christian friends. Also, it's a great time to invite friends and introduce them to the rest of our youth.

Are you in Year 9 or older? Then join us at Whitiora at 7pm on Thursday nights during school terms for our Youth Bible Study. We have a speaker each night and then break into small groups to discuss the week's topic. Come along to learn more about following God's plan for your life and meet other Youth on the same journey.
Monday, fortnightly, from 9.30 to 11.30am. A crèche is provided, where some fantastic ladies look after any children, giving time for Bible study and prayer. We start with morning tea and some “catch-up” chat time.
Thursday, weekly, at 10am, is when those ladies who have grown families come together for fellowship and Bible study.
Ladies interested in crafts meet for a coffee and craft time at 10am on Tuesdays during school terms. This is an opportunity to learn a new craft, or bring your own, and spend time with others who are like-minded.
Whitiora Bible Church has a one hour programme each week – called “God’s Message” – live and ‘on air’ on Sunday at 8.00am on “89 Point Zero FM”. Click here to go to www.freefm.co.nz where you can subscribe, listen live, or download past episodes. The hour consists of hymns and music – old and new – Scripture readings and challenging and encouraging comments. It is hosted by Albert Randall. “FREE FM EightyNine Point Zero” in Hamilton is one of the members of the ‘Community Access Media Alliance’ (CAMA) from across New Zealand.